You don’t need any familiarity with mobile development in general but you need to know JavaScript not react.
Because React Native is built on top of react but instead of targeting the browser, it targets mobile platforms. You don’t need to be a react expert.
But you need to know all the essential concepts such as components, JSX props state and so on.
Our course that teaches you everything from the basics to more advanced concepts.
What is React Native and is it the right tool for you or not?
- React Native is a framework for building native apps for iOS on Android using JavaScript.
- So if you know JavaScript you can use your JavaScript skills to build real native apps for iOS and Android.
- These apps are truly native so they are not web apps that look like a mobile app.
- So with React Native you don’t need to know iOS or Android programming.
- Unless you want to build a really complex app.
- We can write pretty much all of the application code in JavaScript and share it across iOS and Android.
- That’s why a lot of companies these days prefer to build their apps using React Native.
Why are companies choosing React Native these days?
- Because they don’t need to hire two separate teams of developers maintaining two different code bases for IOS and Android.
- React Native helps you build cross-platform apps, create MVPs faster, reduce development complexity, and update apps on the go.
- So naturally there is a need for React Native developers.
- If you have an idea that you want to turn into a real app using your JavaScript skills, React Native is the best tool to have in your toolbox.
- There are two ways to build React Native apps:
- We can use plain React Native or Expo, Expo is a set of tools and a framework that sits on top of React Native and hides a lot of complexity from us.
- It makes it incredibly fast and easy to build React Native apps if you have never done mobile development before.
- Expo is the way to go. You can build and run your first app within a few minutes.
- The other option is to use React Native CLI or command-line interface when we create a project with React Native CLI.
At SkillzAmp
We are focusing on solving problems rather than focusing on the syntax. Our teaching goal focuses on problem solving approaches that help our students at the end when they land a job. So the first thing that we really tackle in our training is the coaching period to teach you the real world IT skills. We basically create the same scenario of how you are going to come across training when you land a job. AHOMi’s doing the great work of being a true guide for youngsters, who want to make a mark in the field of computer science and information technology. AHOM creates professionals who are well prepared to develop and harness emerging technologies that are changing the way business is run in the industry for professionals. Who desire to keep abreast with the changing requirements of the industry. Join the new edge of IT and Professional Training.
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